When will we have 'made it'?
Tuesday I had a great day. And the funny thing is, we didn't get a bunch of new people or a pile of money. No, it was a great day because I spent very little of it in front of a computer. Almost the whole day I was with people.
There's a lot more 'office work' in this than I like. It needs to be done, and it'll get done, but what I really enjoy is sitting around talking to people about God. That's what I enjoy doing. That's what gets me out of bed. Whether they believe or not, whether they're seeking insight or I'm seeking theirs, that is what I love. This is why I don't have an office- because then I'd have to be in it. That's why my office is a bagel shop or a restaurant, where I can be around people all the time.
Today, I've spent the whole morning in front of the computer. True, I did send a bunch of emails, and now I'm talking to you, but it's not the same as sitting across a table from someone and having an actual conversation. There are people out there who love doing this kind of work. If you're one of them, and you want to help, by all means let me know! Because what I want to be doing is sharing my journey with others.
Church is people connecting to God together, and without the people, you're sort of missing a big chunk of what it's all about. I'm doing all the rest of this stuff- the stuff I don't like- so I can do more of the stuff I do like, so I can spend more time with more people and share our journeys. That's how I'll know we've 'made it'. Not when there's 50,000 in worship or I start making a gazillion dollars. When I spend almost all my time with people talking about God. When I can do that, that's when we're there. That's when we've 'made it'. Because then we've become what God wants us to be, and that's the only goal that matters.
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