Him too?!
I was quite surprised to hear that Michael Savage is in the same boat many of us are- that he believes in God, even loves God, but just doesn't feel at home in a church.
I should preface all this by saying that I am not a fan of Savage. I listen to him for two reasons:
1. His station is the only talk radio I can get late at night while driving
2. He's so crazy, he's entertaining
I listen to other conservatives on the radio, but I think Michael Savage is a loon. Certifiable. Instead of writing a book called "Liberalism is a Mental Disorder," he should have been checked for one himself. But the fact is that he is as conservative as you can get, and he can't find a church that works for him! Conservatives are supposed to be in church- it's supposed to be part of being conservative. That's the stereotype, anyway: low taxes, family values, Sunday church, all that stuff is supposed to go hand-in-hand. So if you follow the stereotype (which is always dangerous), you would expect that if anyone would be in church, it would be him. But he's not. Why?
As he said in his broadcast, "Because when he's been in them, he doesn't feel anything."
So even though you would expect him to be plugged in somewhere, The River is for Michael Savage. And even though I think he is a loon, The River is for Michael Savage. I doubt we'll ever see him, but he's the kind of person it was started for: people who feel God's presence every place but church. If Michael Savage walked in the door I would shake his hand and say "Welcome home," because The River isn't for just conservatives or just liberals. It isn't just for the good people. It isn't just for the people who are 'supposed' to be in church. Heck, it isn't even just for the sane.
The River is for anyone who wants a connection God and people to share the journey with, and doesn't have them now. That's it. None of the rest matters.
So, Mr. Savage, I invite you to come home. I invite you to wade deeper into the presence of God. I invite you to The River. Because it was started for people looking for God and community. It was created for you.
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