Wednesday, April 04, 2007

3 days, 23 hours and counting....

The River's first worship is getting close, and I figured I'd be nervous by now. But I'm not. Well, not exactly. The closest comparison is how I felt before some of the other big events in my life. I remember before I got married that I wasn't nervous, but I was anxious to do it. Not to be married, but to be at the wedding. That is how I feel about starting worship: I just want to be there. I want to be at that first worship. At my wedding, I knew we were prepared. I knew it would all go well. Same thing with this Sunday- I know we are prepared, I know it will all go well.

So maybe it's a feeling of excitement without an outlet. Before a big lacrosse game, I could always go out and throw a ball around to get rid of some of that nervous energy. Unfortunately, preaching to my dog doesn't have the same feeling as preaching to a room full of people. So there is no outlet for my energy and excitement. I just have to wait. Longer. Because I haven't been waiting for this long enough (sarcasm).

Three days isn't that long to wait.
That's how long Jesus was dead.
It's not that long.
At least, that's what I keep telling myself...and if I tell myself that enough, it'll be here, and that's what I want. I just want it to be here. Not to be over, just to be here.

Come on, Sunday!


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