Monday, April 16, 2007

We're gonna make it...but it may be like Spinal Tap

Yesterday, when I got home and had a chance for Sunday to sink in, was the first time that I thought "We're gonna make it." And I believe that. For the first time, I do not doubt that The River is going to make it. 34 people came, several of whom were new. The offering was strong enough that we broke even. We also tried lunch for the first time, which I thought was a nice time of getting to know each other. Plenty of work still ahead, but I'm no longer afraid. I truly believe this is going to happen.

I just think it's going to happen like This is Spinal Tap.

If you saw that movie, you remember that the band had trouble keeping a drummer. They kept bizarrely losing them. Well, that's what it's been like with us and musicians. Weird stuff keeps happening. I've spoken with about 8, had 2 interviews that didn't materialize for absurd reasons, and while we were able to borrow a band for the first worship, the first week we were on our own the musician up and quit. After only one Sunday.

Fortunately, it hasn't been as drastic as the drummers in Spinal Tap. No one has spontaneously combusted or choked to death on vomit (in the movie, it was someone else's vomit, which is even worse). But it's still kinda weird, enough so that I think I'm barking up the wrong tree. I have been looking for someone to hire, but I think what we need are unpaid people who play to serve God. I think that's the kind of person God is pointing us to. They don't have to be the best musician, but they need to be doing it to love and serve God joyfully, out of their own heart. That is who we need to be looking for.

So, I'm off to go looking...and if you know anyone like that, let me know!


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