Thursday, July 26, 2007

It's your church

I've edited this post, because the original did not say what I wanted to say. It had some drivel about Lee Iacocca or something...anyway, I've changed it to more accurately say what I was trying to say before. Yes, I know that's what the 'Save as draft' button is for. Oh well.

I keep hearing that. We're doing a brochure, and lots of folks have looked at it, and after giving me their thoughts several folks have said something like "But it's your church." Same thing with songs, or napkins, or whatever. Folks will tell me what they like or don't like, but ultimately they leave the decision with me because "it's my church."

Well, it's not my church. It's not their church. It's God's church. God started it, God runs it, and I'm not even the middle man. I'm the guy who knows more about churches than most people, so I'm the guy who leads it. That's it. That's my job, and my gift. To lead. I'm not good at brochures. I'm not good at songs either. Anyone who has heard me sing can tell you that much.

And the truth is that lots of people have helped with many of these things. There has been a lot of input from others on the brochure, a lot of input from others on songs. That's been great, and it's great that folks around here know that I'm not good at everything, and that not everything I do turns to gold. Heck, there are 3 projects going on now that I have little or nothing to do with. I'm not doing it all. But I also know that it's too early for most others to really feel comfortable with big decisions. It takes awhile for people to feel comfortable making big choices. I've been doing this a year, most other folks considerably less, so in many cases I really do know best.

But being 'best' at something doesn't make me good at it. And yet some things need to get done, and since I know best I am logically the person to do them, and I'm just not good at all of them. I get frustrated by my own ineptitude. I don't know if this will go away or not. I just know that it's not fun knowing something is important, being the best person for the job, and still not being good at it.


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