May You Live in Interesting Times
I've been told that that expression is a Chinese curse. Makes sense. Boring means nothing bad is happening. Interesting is a whole different story, and it's been an interesting few days.
First, last week. We went camping. I worked my behind off to get everything done, and we were going to stay Thursday night- Saturday morning. We drove an hour and half there, found an amazing campsite, and then my son started throwing up everywhere. So we packed everything up and went home. We got to camp for all of about four hours.
Then, last night, I threw my back out. Now, I've had back pain all my life, and I'm only 34. But I've never had it this bad. Could hardly walk or stand. This morning I went to the Chiropractor and he was actually gentler than usual. Which is how I knew I was in trouble. Turns out that my sacrum had locked up, he unlocked it, and now I have to go see him basically every day for the rest of my life. OK, that's not true, but it's still no fun. I can't sit still for very long, I'm constantly stretching, and it keeps stabbing me when I least expect it.
So, yeah, fun week. I hope my back is better by Sunday, and not just because there's a lot of setup involved with our worship. I could barely stand last night, and never for more than a couple minutes. No way I could lead a worship like this. I'd have to do it lying on the floor on my back. Who knows, maybe not having to look at my ugly mug would make it easier for people to think about God. I dunno.
What I do know is that I was supposed to have gone camping and come back refreshed, recharged, and bored. Instead, I've been living in 'interesting times'. I just didn't know 'interesting' could be this painful. Yikes! If you get the option, choose boring. Really. Choose boring. I will.