random things
Here are a few random things:
-My 4 year old has a stuffed cat that she has named "Stupid Black Cat." Which is kinda funny, but what makes it even funnier is that that is completely white. I just think that's hysterical.
-had a 'perfect storm' of technology problems last week. The PC busted right at the same time the PDA was running out of batteries. By the time the PC was fixed, the PDA batteries were dead, and I had lost 1 months worth of updates. It's very annoying, but since I have no idea what was planned, I feel kinda free. Which is nice, even if it could turnout to be a pain later.
-last week we got a packet from the Women of the ELCA (ELCA is our denomination). It had 20 pieces of paper telling us about twenty different things. Twenty! I'm not sure what they were thinking, sending us all that, but my guess is that they weren't thinking at all. Don't get me wrong- all of it looks like good stuff. But it's a total information overload, and I just don't think the "throw it all against the wall and see what sticks" strategy works anymore, because I don't think anything sticks. I think it all falls in the trash, which is where this is gonna go.
-I have seen the future. Not surprisingly, it will be made by Microsoft. link
-we've had new folks come and enjoy the experience of worship each of the past two weeks. Pray for a third this Sunday! It was wonderful, it was exciting, and it happened in the summer! So, good for God, and good for The River.
I promise to post some more of my typical 'deep and meaningful' (or is it 'deep and full of it'?) stuff before too long.