The Kingdom of God on MARTA
Here's a rare and beautiful glimpse of diversity.

We were riding MARTA when we took this. We were on our way to a book festival, which I'm pretty sure makes us 'book dorks'. Also on the train (at 9 a.m., mind you) were some folks on their way down for the Clemson game that started at 8 p.m. that night. That, and the funny wigs, made them 'football dorks'. And in the background, you can see some folks on their way down for the DragonCon parade, making them 'SciFi dorks.' It was a festival of dorks on their way to different dorky festivals. As a book dork, football dork and SciFi dork, it was pretty neat seeing 'my people' together in one place. And did I mention that there were Clemson and Alabama fans riding the train TOGETHER? Without violence?
OK, so it wasn't exactly the Kingdom of God, where the lamb lies down with the lion and all that. But it's as close as you're ever going to get on MARTA.