backdate August 7: Patience, grasshopper
I’d love to tell someone about the vision of The River for the first time and have them start jumping up and down and saying “YES! YES! THIS IS FOR ME!” That would be great. Really, really great. But so far, that’s not the way it’s working. Folks who are interested are almost always pretty hesitant, and I can’t really blame them. They don’t know me, they don’t know the people, they don’t know much about this way of doing ministry…it’s completely foreign. Maybe that’s you- maybe you’re wading in The River for the first time and you like what you see, but you just aren’t ready to quite jump in yet. I get that. It only makes sense that there would be some hesitancy.
But part of me is still hoping for that person to start jumping up and down and say “YES! YES! THIS IS FOR ME!” So, if you know them, please do me & my fingernails a favor and pass the word. Thanks!
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